After-School/Lunchtime Clubs at Coppull St. John's

As well as our regular After-School Club, we also offer a range of after-school/lunchtime activity clubs that children can access based on their interests. Activity clubs are run by the teachers and we may also from time to time use external providers, for a small charge per session. The clubs are always vey popular and we really encourage children to try them as they are a great way of developing new interests, skills and hobbies.

All activity clubs run by teaching staff are currently free of charge. The clubs run on a half-termly basis and themes are changed regularly to provide a variety of opportunities for the children.

Our current offer for activity clubs is:

After-School Clubs

Day Activity Staff Open To Time
Monday Football Club Chorley SSP KS2 Until 4.30pm
Tuesday  Gardening Club

Mrs Casterton

Mrs Marston

All Until 4:15pm
Thursday Tag Rugby Mr Peters KS2 Until 4.30pm


Letters are sent out in advance for parents to sign their children up to the clubs. If your child is interested in joining a club, please contact the school office.