“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’

Matthew 19:14

Our School Council

Each year, the children elect two representatives form their year groups to sit on the school council. On a fortnightly basis, the councillors lead a class council meeting, setting the agenda, chairing the debates and giving every child the chance to have their say and make their voice heard. The councillors then take these views and present them at the whole-school council meeting. Mrs Abram is our member of staff who oversees the school council meetings, with the older children taking on key roles, such as chair, vice-chair and treasurer.

Our school council plays a vital role in our school and it has been instrumental in driving change and improvement in the issues that matter to the children, such as play equipment, routines, systems and lunchtime provisions. 

As a staff, we all value the views and opinions of all of our children and the system in place reflects the wonderful British value of democracy that allows us to function and live in a society where our voices can make a real difference.

School Council Newsletters