School Dinners
School dinners are very popular and a large proportion of the children take a school dinner. Reception, year 1 and year 2 pupils are entitled to a free school lunch as part of the Universal Free School Meals brought in by the government from September 2014. School meals are paid for in advance and the money is collected via School Money online payments. The cost of school dinners is £2.40 per meal. If you are in receipt of certain benefits your child may be entitled to free school meals. For further information please contact the area office on 01772 533608. Alternatively your child can bring a packed lunch to school. Please make any changes from school dinner to packed lunch or vice versa at the end of a half term. Please contact the school office to make any changes.
School Lunch Menu from November 2022
Mid morning snacks
All children may if they wish bring still unflavoured bottled water to drink during the day. We are also involved in the 'Fruit for School' scheme and all children in Key Stage 1 are given free fruit. All children in Key Stage 2 are allowed to bring a snack for morning break. This should be a healthy snack i.e. fruit or cereal bar rather than crisps. Nothing containing nuts as we have a child with a severe allergy in school please. Sweets and chocolate bars are not allowed in school.