At Coppull St. John's we aim to encourage all children to take part in sport. We believe that it is important for children's health both physically and emotionally. It is important that these experiences are both enjoyable and rewarding. Positive experiences in school can lead to children taking up sports for leisure purposes out of school and will therefore promote healthier lifestyles in later life. We want children to know that taking part in physical activities is healthy and fun.
We have used our funding to buy in expertise from the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership. This includes Bikeability courses and after-school exercise and nutrition sessions. Children take part in local competitions organised by CSSP. We have also used this funding sustainably to train our teachers, to introduce new activities within the curriculum and to fund extra swimming tuition for those pupils needing extra practice to achieve the National Curriculum statutory requirements.
We are currently focussing on how we can improve children's physical health and wellbeing and have a number of initiatives to improve levels of daily physical activity, including an 'active 30 minutes per day'. Pupils take part in active class sessions, as well as a daily 'Active Time' session at lunchtime, which includes dance, traditional playground games, mile running and hula-hooping contests! Older pupils are trained as play leaders and enjoy leading the active sessions with the younger pupils.
Please see the documents below for a more detailed breakdown of how we use our funding and the impact it has had on our pupils:
Sports Funding