“Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble.” Psalm 41:1

Courageous Advocacy
At Coppull St. John's, we encourage and support our children to be 'courageous advocates'. This means they champion causes which are special and meaningful to them. These may be global issues or matters far more personal and closer to home.
We believe this develops resilience, teamwork, courage and independence and an understanding of the wider world and how they can help make it a better place, enabling our children to flourish.
Action Aid - Sponsor a Child
For a number of years, we sponsored a child in Rwanda named Irakoze. We are delighted that Irakoze is now a happy adult who is flourishing and is now working with children herself!
We have now embarked on a new sponsorship journey. We will be raising money to support Alma, a five-year-old who lives in Kurigram, Bangladesh. Life in Kurigram is a daily challenge. The area is regularly afflicted by flooding, which can destroy the communities' ability to produce crops and feed their families.
With our support, Action Aid are implementing a range of projects to improve life for families such as Alma's, for example improving flood defences and developing alternative ways to earn a living.
Action Aid Sponsor a Child
The Animal Rescue Club
A group of our Year 3 children are passionate about the causes of animals and have started an 'Animal Rescue Club'. They would like to raise funds for animal charities and raise awareness amongst our school community about endangered animals and the impact of plastic pollution on animal habitats.
Animal Rescue Club
As a school, we believe passionately that people should be paid a fair price for their work and their products. This doesn't always happen. We have been proud to support Fairtrade for a number of years. We have created our own market using and selling fairtrade products to make others aware of the importance of buying fairtrade. Here are some photos of the work we have done to show our support and promote the message of Fairtrade to our community.
Class 1 Fairtrade
Class 2 Fairtrade
Class 3 Fairtrade