AFL | Assessment for Learning |
AHT | Assistant Head Teacher |
AGT | Able, Gifted and Talented |
BDBE | Blackburn Diocese Board of Education |
CT | Class Teacher |
CAF | Common Assessment Framework |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
CASCOT | Church and School Christian Outreach Trust |
C.E.P. | Church of England Primary |
CLL | Communication, Language and Literacy |
CP | Child Protection |
CSC | Children's Social Care |
DFE | Department for Education |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service |
DHT | Deputy Headteacher |
DSL | Designated Safeguarding Lead |
EAL | English as an Additional Language |
ECT | Early Career Teacher |
EHA | Early Help Assessment |
EHCP | Education and Health Care Plan |
EVC | Educational Visits Coordinator |
EY | Early Years |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage |
EYFSP | Early Years Foundation Stage Profile |
FL | Foreign Languages |
FMSiS | Financial Management Standards in Schools |
FS | Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) |
HLTA | Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
HT | Headteacher |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
ITT | Initial teacher Training |
KCSiE | Keeping Children Safe in Education (guidance on safeguarding) |
KS1 | Key Stage 1 (Y1 and Y2) |
KS2 | Key Stage 2 (Y3-6) |
LEIS | Lancashire Education Inclusion Service |
LA | Local Authority |
LADO | Local Authority Designated Officer (Safeguarding) |
NOR | Number on roll |
OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
PE | Physical Education |
PPA | Planning, Preparation and Assessment (Time) |
PPG | Pupil Premium Grant |
PSHE | Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education |
QTS | Qualified Teacher Status |
RE | Religious Education |
RSE | Relationships and Sex Education |
SATs | Recognised acronym for National Curriculum Tests (KS1/KS2) |
SEN | Special Educational Needs |
SENDCO | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator |
SIAMS | Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools |
SIP | School Improvement Plan or School Improvement Partner |
SPG | Sports Premium Grant |
TA | Teaching Assistant |
TAF | Team Around the Family |