A warm welcome from our Head Teacher - Mrs Abram


‘Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ’        2 Peter 3: v18


We are a welcoming church school where everyone is valued and encouraged to flourish academically, emotionally and spiritually.

We promote a love of learning where individual talents are nurtured; hopes and aspirations can be achieved.

Where excitement is evident and enrichment opportunities shape our grace and knowledge.

Jesus motivates, inspires and teaches us about living life in all its fulness.

It is a wonderful privilege to be the head teacher of Coppull St John’s – a church, family school where our Christian values sit at the heart of everything we do. Visitors often comment on the welcoming, Christian atmosphere and ethos that permeates our school. Our loyal staff team work hard and offer each child the opportunity to achieve their very best and experience a whole range of activities both in and outside the classroom.

We have a dedicated and involved Governing Body who work hard and effectively within school. We strive constantly to improve and develop every aspect of the school. We are committed to ensuring the children are always safe and given the very best opportunities in order to achieve their greatest potential.

Through our creative and engaging curriculum, children demonstrate their motivation, curiosity and independence to learn more and this helps foster their high aspirations, enthusiasm and keenness to take an active role in school life. Individual talents are identified and encouraged to ensure that every child experiences success

We have a committed group of parents who actively support events, fundraise and we are always looking for new recruits to join them!

The wonderful grounds and outdoor spaces allow learning opportunities to go beyond the perimeter of the classroom walls. You will see a colourful collection of wellingtons of all sizes ready for the outdoors - whatever the weather! We take learning outside at every given opportunity.

A range of wider curriculum experiences are offered both during the school day and after school that encompass a love for the outdoors, for sport and also for the creative arts. 

Links with St John’s the Divine church family are important to us, Reverend Matt visits us twice a month to lead worship. Visits to the church are encouraged throughout the year. Children come together each day for worship and song, with Friday’s assembly a celebration of individual’s achievements. Parents welcome the opportunity to join us for this. 

We recognise the strength in developing a valued partnership between home and school, and the wider community, so that together we can provide a rich and stimulating education.

I trust that you will find out all about our wonderful school on the website but please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can offer any further advice or information.  

Mrs. S.C. Abram 

Head Teacher


‘You are a child of God, You are wonderfully made,

Dearly loved and precious in His sight.

Before God made you… He knew you

There is no one else like you!’     Psalm 139